Sea otters (Enhydra lutris), like this mother and pup, are one of the most important keystone species in the kelp forest habitat. Kelp, a giant species of seaweed, is home to hundreds of species, from sea stars to sharks. Sea urchins eat kelp. Sea otters eat sea urchins, preventing an overpopulation of urchins from destroying the ecosystem. In the kelp forests, they eat many invertebrates, but especially sea urchins. If there are too many sea urchins, they will eat too much of the kelp and destroy it. Otters regulate sea urchin populations, which in turn feed upon kelp and other macroalgae. The otters keep the sea urchin populations in check, thus allowing enough kelp forests to remain as a habitat for a variety of other species. As a result, the entire ecosystem is kept in balance.


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