Population Pyramid Graph of Somalia : https://goo.gl/7TW4kc

Somalia is a least developed country because it has a triangular shape in population graph, with a very wide base and pointed apex. Each age group shows a bar less wide than that of the age group before it, indicating that more people die at each higher group such as group post-production between the age 45 until 100. The large base for pre-production group includes age from 0-14 shows a high birth rate, which is probably due to factors like a developing economy, poverty, low levels of female education, and less awareness of birth control measures. Poor living conditions and the lack of proper medical facilities are the factors that may be responsible for the high mortality among the elderly. Such countries have a higher population of children as compared to people of working age or older people. This results in a strain on the working-age population to support the large younger population, making them work in stressful conditions.


Population Pyramid Graph of Haiti : https://goo.gl/LBV9aV

The diagram shows, the population pyramid of Haiti in 2018. The data is divided by gender with females on one side and males on the other. The population numbers are shown for each five year age interval starting from (0-4), and continueing up to 100 and up. These intervalsare grouped together into pre-reproductive (0-14), reproducitive (15-44), and post-reproductive years (45 and up). Such a population pyramid can be a powerful predictor of future population trends.

For examples, Haiti population pyramid shows it to be a fast growing country,with most of the populaton being in the youngest age group at the bottom of the pyramid. The number will grow rapidly in the coming years. As today's childrenreach their reproductive years and have children of their own the total population is almost certain to double within the next few decades.


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